Domingo Vargas - Nicaragua

This is one of our previous coffees & is no longer available


Flavour Notes: Nectarine, dried fruit, toffee.

Farm: Finca San Francisco

Region: Yali, Jinotega

Variety: Caturra, Catuai

Harvested: March 2019

Altitude: 1350 MASL

Process: Honey 

Domingo Vargas has always had a heart full of coffee, from fond memories as a child, helping out on his fathers farm, to becoming qualified as an agronomical consultant, putting all his study to practice in the coffee export industry. He has now gone full circle, inherited his family farm, Finca La Fuente and named it Finca San Francisco to honour his father Francisco Vargas. Domingo has honey processed this lot, a more time consuming method where the coffee cherry is picked, pulped and left with some of the "mucilage" or "fruit" on the coffee seed, it's then dry fermented with care and precision to enhance the sweetness and tactile characteristics of the coffee. 

We hope you enjoy the hard efforts Domingo has gone to producing this wonderful coffee!