El Mirador - Guatemala

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This is one of our previous coffees & is no longer available.
Best For:
Espresso Brewing
Suitable Brewers:
Home Espresso, Stovetop, AeroPress


Flavour notes:  Apple crumble, pistachio, butterscotch.

Producer: Three small-producers

Region: Cuchumatanes

Municipality: Huehuetenango

Harvested: March-April

Variety: Bourbon

Altitude: 2,000 MASL

Process: Washed

El Mirador is produced by a group of farmers whose farms are naturally a 'Mirador' or 'lookout' due to their high elevation and stunning vistas. It's a homage to Guatemala's highest non-volcanic mountain range 'Chuchumatanes', and nestled amongst its foothills you'll find the producers of El Mirador. The rich volcanic soil, unique microclimates and incredible wildlife make it a special place to grow coffee.

This Bourbon lot is produced by just three of the eighteen farmers who make up the El Mirador brand, due to the high elevation, the coffee cherries take longer to ripen, intensifying the sugars and enhancing the sweetness in the cup.

It's an absolute gem of a coffee!

*** We roast coffee fresh each Monday, if stock has sold out we will ship the following roast day. Please refer to our shipping page for more information.