Rosa Pérez - El Salvador

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This is one of our previous coffees & is no longer available
Best For:
Filter Brewing, Espresso Brewing
Suitable Brewers:
V60, AeroPress, Batch Brew, Stovetop, Home Espresso


Flavour notes: Pomelo, date, dark chocolate.

Producer: Rosa Pérez

Farm: Finca El Trébol

Region: Chalatenango

Municipality: La Palma

Harvested: January 

Variety: Pacas

Altitude: 1,350 MASL

Process: Honey

Rosa Otilia Pérez runs Finca El Trébol in La Palma, Chalatenango, part of the Las Orquídeas brand which showcase female producers from El Salvador. A second generation coffee grower, she credits her success to her mother, who she says taught her how to grow coffee, run a business and ultimately be a strong and independent woman.

For the last four years she has focused on producing specialty grade coffee, even starting a nursery to produce new coffee trees. Her husband and son help manage the farm, and her sisters chip in during harvest time, carefully selecting only the ripe cherries.

This extra love and care results in a wonderfully soft, sweet and clean cup.


*** We roast coffee fresh each Monday, if stock has sold out we will ship the following roast day. Please refer to our shipping page for more information.