Kore - Ethiopia

This product is no longer available



Peach, tea, sugar


Region: Kore, Kochere

Variety: Mixed Heirlooms

Harvest: January 2018

Altitude: 1790 - 1900 MASL

Process: Washed


This has been one of our most outstanding coffees of 2018. This is the final roast of the lot, it has be reserved & roasted especially for the Tasmanian Aeropress Championships.

Kore is the name of the village where this coffee is grown and processed. It sits in the Kochere district in the ever popular coffee producing region of Yirgacheffe. Coffee thrives in the lush environment of Yirgacheffe’s forests, developing nuanced floral notes, balanced sweetness and acidity. Kochere coffees have a great reputation for their stone fruit, citrus & tea–like flavours & this coffee certainly doesn’t disappoint delivering an absolute peach-tea bomb! In March of 2017, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia approved a reform allowing cooperatively owned washing stations to export their coffee directly, which allows for separation of top coffee lots, higher prices for farmers, and increased recognition for the best quality coffees in Ethiopia. Greater traceability allows more direct trade from the same washing stations year in and year out, and opens the potential for partnerships on a more micro level, with individual farmers or smaller groups within a community. Ethiopia is famed as the birthplace of coffee and exhibits great diversity from micro region to micro region. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

In March of 2017, the prime minister of Ethiopia approved a reform allowing cooperatively owned washing stations to export their coffee directly, which allows for separation of top coffee lots, higher prices for farmers, and increased recognition for the best quality coffees in Ethiopia.

Greater traceability allows more direct trade from the same washing stations year in and year out, and opens the potential for partnerships on a more micro level, with individual farmers or smaller groups within a community.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


** We roast this coffee fresh each Monday. If stock is available we will dispatch the same day you order. We commonly sell out by midweek, to guarantee same day dispatch please choose Roasters Choice & we will ship you an amazing coffee which is available (please leave a comment at checkout to let us know if you have a preference). Otherwise we will ship this coffee next Monday.